Santos, Luisina; Guiguet, Marcelo; Luengo, Pablo; Álvarez, Eduardo; Di Cicco, Carlos; Useglio, Gustavo; Gómez, Federico; Capelli, Matías
This work uses GPS technology applied to sport to generate a training system that allows the monitoring of aspects of interest of the athlete’s physical performance in a real context, facilitating sports improvement through the scientific analysis of the data obtained. An economic GPS prototype was developed that allows collecting the necessary data to calculate the physical performance parameters of an athlete, focusing on a strategy that is easy to manufacture and accessible to athletic and professional sports institutions that may occur in the national territory. The work is carried out at the Institute for Research and Technology Transfer, within the framework of the research project “Computing and Emerging Technologies” and “Technology and Applications of Software Systems: Innovation in processes, products and services”, as counterpart the company Silamberts SRL financed by Dr. Manuel Sadosky Foundation and the UNNOBA.